Duro Creates Positive Growth For Dealers!!

person access_time3 08 May 2018

Ahmedabad based Shree Hareshwar Saw Mill (SHSM) was established in 1964. Dealing in best quality Plywood and providing their valuable clients with the best in quality and service has been their USP since its incorporation. Even though enjoying a leadership in timber products & sales, they started trading in plywood only after 90’s and after a decade that they could find a company and they can rely on for quality of ethics in 2009 that was DURO. A talk with Mr. Nimesh Patel, Proprietor, SHSM about his success story with brand DURO.

Q:-  When and how did you come to know Duro. What is your experience with the company during this time period?

A:-   We come to know about DURO through one of our project requirement. However we could not supply DURO at that site due to rate difference but we were highly impressed by its quality and hence started dealing in it later on.

Q:-  Which one DURO’s product is very close to your heart and why?

A:-   As such all DURO products are no 1 in their respective categories, however Pumaply is best value for money and is very dear to me.

Q:-  Sarda completes its successful 60 years, what is your message to team DURO?

A:-   Congratulations to DURO for 60 years of successful business. Success comes with responsibility. Responsibility of not only to survive, but to be the leader in the market with that company which uses quality, consistency and focus on marketing. We are sure that together we can celebrate 100 successful years of DURO.

Q:-  How brand DURO is important for the growth of a dealer?

A:-   Dealer not only invested in the stock but also in the brand. Positive value and marketing of brand DURO creates positive growth for the dealer also.

Q:-  What is your expectation from company?

A:-   “Woods are lovely, dark and deep but miles to go before I sleep” It has been a great journey of DURO but still it’s a work half done. With range of quality products, great manufacturing facilities and as all powerful team DURO. We at Shree Hareshwar Saw Mill expect DURO to be on the top and no-1 in market share in entire South Asia within next 5 years.

Q:-  What is your future plan and opinion about present market scenario?

A:-   Shree Hareshwar Saw Mill has always aspired to work with quality clients to serve them on the best quality products available in the market with media playing a great role and information just a click away only quality and service can survive in the market and with DURO by our side we see a bright future ahead.

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