Pollution Hits Delhi NCR Ply-Lam Industry

person access_time3 04 November 2018

Plywood and Laminates Industry of Delhi-NCR badly affected due to high pollution in November. Due to pollution, industrialists of Delhi-NCR had to stop the operation of their factories, which caused heavy revenue loss on per day basis. After the Supreme Court orders, the entry of trucks and heavy diesel vehicles banned and operations of industries including wood based units in Delhi-NCR had stopped. Raw materials could not transport to plywood factories due the ban on trucks. Traders and factory owners stopped their new orders while other cancelled their placed orders of materials in various ranges. Demand and supply affected the market. This unexpected situation caused loss of average Rs. 3 to 4 lakh per unit on per day in an average basis during this period.

Delhi based industrialist Kuldeep Singh, owner of Kaushik plywood, said in conversation with Ply Reporter that during 4 to 13th November, all the plants were totally shut down due the high level of pollution. Due to these problems we faced Rs 2 lakhs per day revenue losses except labour cost and other expenses. As there was the ban on the entry of trucks, we didn’t place any new orders at least for 10 days during the period, Kuldeep added. Kuldeep Says, problems hits us badly because the festivals of Diwali was on the same period and many workers who were ideally sitting empty went there homes. Many workers returned very late from their homes. He said that the condition of Plywood market in Delhi is still bad and payments are delayed. Demands in the market are very slow and we are waiting for good time.

The traders and Manufacturer of Plywood, lam, wood panel, furniture etc. said that due to ban on trucks’ entry the goods and raw materials could not reach to plywood factories, distributors, retailers etc in November month which affected production and caused heavy revenue loss in this duration. Due to continue slowdown in the market, the recovery of the said loss is not easy to recover.

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