PVC Edge band witness sharp growth in 2019 -21

person access_time3 06 December 2020

Covid Pandemic has been a propellor forsharp growth in PVC Edge Band Tape demands in India market. The jump in demand for edge band tape is fueled because of rising demand for readymade furniture in this financial year. As per data gathered by the Ply Reporter, this product category is passing through a massive transition with change emerging among consumers and their buying behavior. With increasing demand of Pre-laminated boards and High-Pressure Laminates, the PVC edge tapes demand has grown multi times due to offering in varieties in colour match with laminating Boards and sheets.

According to The Ply Reporter recent survey, PVC edge band tape market has been growing at the rate of approximately 32 % YOY during 2019-20 due to high demand for clean edge furniture’s. With over 50 PVC edge band manufacturing companies are producing in different categories and customer targets, the edge band tape is a flourishing industry in India. The major share is coming on the cost of china based imports that has specially been dented after Covid pandemic

Around 20 companies operating in edge band manufacturing have plans to double their lines in next 4 to 6 months with hopes of continued growth coming in next three years. The importers do agree to the fact that the ‘imported PVC edge band tape from China, Turkey, Europe etc is fast shifting to domestic producers post Covid.

Indian modular furniture market is still at the beginning phase, and evidently tier 3 and rural markets who are still using wooden beadings will further adopt to edge band tape in larger scale. As per Ply Reporter ground report, 14 new establishments are going to set up PVC Edge Band Tape manufacturing facility among some leading Laminate Brands also entering into manufacturing. Besides over two dozens present producers are going for expansion due to high demand that will keep the growth figure in rosy double digit over 25 % YOY


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