Acrylic Boards/ Laminates Demand Will Grow

person access_time3 19 January 2022

The rise of quality products in interior of homes will increase the demand for health friendly and safe products. The next imminent boost expected in interior sector is decorative Acrylic sheets or Acrylic boards. Year 2022, will see a rise in demand for decorative surfaces with highest clarity and health friendly characteristics where acrylic sheets are catching up at great speed. In 2021, the demand for acrylic decorative surface materials were visible across metro cities and by furniture makers. The trend of acrylic laminates began around 7-8 years ago, followed by ready to use Acrylic boards.

The products like Gloss Meister from merino and on the same lines products offered by Rehau, Stylam helped the Indian market to accept its need. It took time to understand the benefits and technical advantages and but year 2022 will mark its impact on Acrylic decorative sheets because the product will now start reaching to other cities and metros.

The supply issues from Europe, China, Turkey had opened up scope for new brands to enter in this space hence year 2022 will match the requirement and supplies in acrylic surface materials in Indian interior work culture. In the time to come, some of the PVC laminate market will give way to higher quality products of acrylic surfaces and year 2022 will be a beginning of this trend.

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