Prices to Rise for Bagasse Based PB

person access_time3 21 March 2022

During a meeting of Bagasse based Particle board manufacturers held on 23 February 2022 at Ankleshwar, Gujarat, the industry leaders discussed the current scenario of the industry. They also discussed the increasing price of bagasse every day, and decided that in the coming time, the producers will have to increase the rates of bagasse boards once again. They believe that this is necessary for the survival of the industry, as the prices of bagasse are continuously increasing at a very fast rate, along with the rate of other chemicals.

In the meeting, Mr. Amrit Patel, Director, Levis Signature Panels said that the bagasse based particle board industry is very much in trouble with the rising prices of bagasse as well as other raw materials like chemicals, so they have no option but to increase the rate of the produce. He informed that other industries in Gujarat are also using bagasse as fuel in their boilers, which has increased the consumption of bagasse, due to which the price of bagasse is increasing every day.

There were all 11 bagasse based particle board manufacturers participated in the meeting which included: Mr   Amrit Patel, Levis Signature Panels; Mr Amit Agarwal, G Mica; Mr Naveen Patel, Hitech Industries; Mr Dinesh Patel, Kenboard Industries; Mr Jitu Patel, Evergreen Panel; Mr Dharmesh Patel, Silicon Particle Boards; Mr Chandu Patel, Richa Particles Boards; Mr Jitu Patel, Darshan Boards; Mr Jugal Bhai, Krifor; Mr Narayan Patel, Salasar Boards etc.

They decided to have another round of meetings be conducted on March 11 or 12, in which particle board manufacturers from other parts of the country would also participate. It is expected that the rates of bagasse based particle board will again increase by 10 to 12 percent. It is to be noted that on February 15, 2022, the price of bagasse-based particle board was increased by Rs.2 per sq ft and on March 1, 2022, by Rs.1 per sq ft, which had come into force with immediate effect. Since the prices of bagasse are increasing continuously, industry people say that there is no other option but to increase the rate

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