PVC Resin Back to Pre-covid Rates, Foam Board Import Too Catching Up

person access_time2 26 September 2022

Indian WPC/PVC boards industries are hoping high due to consistently dropping the prices of PVC resins and different other chemicals, for making these products. The prices of PVC resins are reported to reach below 90, which were reached to 180 just 9 months back. The chemical prices used for making PVC boards have also been noted to reduce by 30 % in the last 6 months.

Industry players say that with this ease of availability, the PVC/WPC boards are being offered at a much competitive price than other panel products. The dealers are also upbeat with reduced prices of WPC/PVC boards by different companies and say that now this product would again regain its market share. WPC/PVC boards are eco friendly, termite proof, water resistant products, and it is widely needed for many application areas.

The product category is improving its market share with its jalli, doors, and door frames. The study indicates that in the recent past, over half a dozen Plywood companies have entered into the PVC/WPC board manufacturing including Bhutan Tuff, Saburi, Gattani, GMG Plywood, Sunrise Panels, Archid, Trojan Plywood, AK Plywood, etc. Besides the plywood brands such as Century Ply, GreenPly, Duro Ply, Austin Plywood etc has also offered WPC boards seeing its demand.

It has also reported from trade that the rising volume imported PVC boards from China in the last 3-4 months because Chinese producers have reduced the prices of boards, which is viable and even available at lower prices in port based cities such as Chennai, Kerala, Mumbai etc. Trade says that they receive good quality imported boards at lower price than domestic produce.

PVC foam board industries had reported to struggle since the last one and half years due to high prices of PVC resins and other chemicals. The finished board’s prices were reported to jump by 40 %, hence these products were substituted by other panel products, and industries were unable to utilise their 50 % capacity. The many WPC/PVC plants were forced to shut its operation and exit from business in the last two years due unstable prices of its raw materials lead to high price of boards.


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