Imported Highlighters Are Losing Its Sheen Among Showrooms

person access_time3 19 March 2019

The retail counters and showrooms are replacing their display of imported highlighters with conventional materials again. The decorative laminates, wood veneer and high end exclusive range in wall coverings are again finding more space in showrooms and retail counters. The highlighters like Mosiac, Leather, 3D panels, Jaali etc were replaced in showrooms by new materials like charcoal, Arcylic and various other highlighters during 2015-16. Now our recent survey reflects all together a big change in focus to decorative natural veneers and decorative laminates and PVC sheets.

There are visible signs that charcoals are receding and loosing its popularity among home buyers of metro cities on the contrary it is selling more in sub urban areas near metros, tier 3 cities and rural markets. The popularity of veneers and digital laminate are dominating on retail counters’ says retail counters of different cities.

Speaking to leading retail counters of top metros brought forward the ongoing trend of zero matt or natural wood touch feel materials that is why wood veneers are back in forefront. The retailers also said that HPL producers have reached to very close imitation of wood veneers hence budget conscious buyers prefer more of laminate and digital laminates highlighters. The PVC laminates is also moving forward with better availability of design and stock availability hence retail counters are keeping it as a necessary material.

The imported highlighters are found to be maintaining the same volume as last year’s because their market has reached to rural of cities now. Selling at 1200 to 1400/- charcoal continue to be the fast moving highlighter from imported segment though it is no more a preferred choice for display on showrooms. The Ply Reporter findings of decorative surfaces survey underlines the fact that veneer and laminate are once again the main focus product for a retail counter followed by digital and PVC laminates.

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